Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Prepping for Philly!!!

So, the plan has changed and I'm now registered for the Philadelphia Marathon on Nov 23. I decided to follow through on my "100 miles" commitment despite not getting into the NIKE Half. That meant I needed to add a long race. My parents and sister live just outside Philly so I can wrap up the running season and tack on the Thanksgiving family-time in the same week.
SO, I've got the Queens Half on Sept 14, the Shaolin :) on Oct 12 and the Philly Full Mary on Nov 23.
Training is on schedule, clicking right along. I haven't raced since the Brooklyn Half and I'm pretty anxious for that "race weekend" feeling, especially after the Olympics hoopla.

To remember: stretch, water, shoulders/elbows back and down, consistent pace.

See you in Queens!!!

Running miles to date: 58.3
Next race: Queens Half-Marathon 9/14/08


Laura said...

I'll see you in Queens for sure! As for Philly, I'm still considering (and yes, I know I'm past the discount deadline... that kind of sucks). I want to see how my knee fares at the half before committing to another full.

Morrissey said...

good luck in philly...ill be there as well!

Ajlounyinjurylaw said...

Been on any new marathons since this?